Publisher Registration

Register to Sell eBooks on MyRomanceStory

Please review the information below before completing the registration form below.

  1. Complete the Registration form. All fields with the asterisk (*) must be completed. Please note the email address you enter will be used to log into your account. It will also be used to contact you about your account.

    For Publishers:
    Enter the First and Last Name for the main contact person for your company. The Vendor Name should be the name of your company, as you would like it to appear on your Publisher page. Please enter a short description of your company that customers will also see on your Publisher page.

    For Authors: Enter the First and Last Name of your legal name. This will also be the name that your royalty checks will be made payable. The Vendor Name should be the author’s pen name, as you would like it to appear on your Author page. Please enter a short author’s bio that customers will also see on your Author page.

  2. Review and accept the Publishers Agreement. This agreement is for large, small and independent publishers as well as self-published authors. After reviewing the agreement, please check the box next to “I agree with Content Provider’s Agreement.”
  3. Download a copy of IRS Form W-9. All Publishers and Authors based in the United States must complete IRS Form W-9, which is available from the Internal Revenue Service’s website.The completed form should be mailed to
    Arrow Publications, LLC
    7716 Bells Mill Road
    Bethesda, MD 20817

Once your agreement is accepted and your account is approved you will be notified by email within three (3) business days. If you have not received a notification after three (3) business days, please contact us at

After your account is approved you will receive your password and instruction for loading your ebooks files and metadata. You will also be able to add additional information about yourself or company under your Store Settings.

Please note: While your account will be approved prior to receipt of your signed and completed W-9, we cannot issue any royalty payments until the form is received.

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Publishers and Authors Program

Submit the form below to become a vendor on this store.

Important: This is the name that customers see when purchasing your products. If you are a publisher this will be your company name. If you are an author, this will be your pen name.

   I agree with Content Provider’s Agreement

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