Write for Us

Submissions are currently closed.

Arrow Publications is currently closed to unsolicited submissions in all genres. Please follow us on our Blog, Facebook and Twitter for an announcement of when general submissions are once again open. If you need advice on how to start your romance fiction writing career, then check out our How to Writing Romance Fiction articles in the Writer’s Resources section.

Looking to Get Published?

Whether you are a published or aspiring romance fiction writer, we want to hear from you.

We are actively seeking romance novels, novellas and short story collections in the following romance subgenres:

Erotic Romance
LGBT: Gay & Lesbian
Multicultural & Interracial
And Other Romance Subgenres

We follow the Romance Writers of America’s definition of the romance genre, which states, two basic elements comprise every romance novel:

  • a central love story.
  • an emotionally satisfying and optimistic ending.

Keep in mind the romance must be the driving force of the story and there must be a Happy Ever After (HEA) ending. Just having “some romance” in the story is not enough.

We are particularly interested in receiving submissions for series.

Unsolicited manuscripts and queries from agents are welcome. We will consider self-published novels and novellas and previously published works if the author has retained full volume rights or had full volume rights returned to them. Please provide the publishing details with your submission.

While we will consider simultaneous submissions, please let us know in your query if an agent or another publisher is currently considering your book.

Your submission must contain the following:

  • A query letter with your legal name and pseudonym (if you write under a name different than your legal name), the manuscript title and word count, a brief biographical statement including any previous writing credits, a brief description of your book and your promotional plans for the book. See Promotions for more details.
  • A two to three single-spaced page synopsis of your story.
  • The first chapter of the book.


Formatting Your Synopsis and Sample Chapter
Your name and the title of the book should be included in the header with the page number in the footer of every page. We also advise including your email address on every page.


  • Use a standard 12-point font such as Times New Roman or Arial.
  • Indent each new paragraph. This is best done by setting up a left line indentation under Paragraph in Word instead of typing blank spaces.
  • Start each chapter on a new page.
  • For scene breaks within a chapter, skip a line, insert three centered asterisks with one space between each (* * *) and skip another line.
  • Use an em dash (—) instead of two dashes. There should be no spaces before or after an em dash.
  • Use an ellipsis (…) instead of three dots with no spaces before or after the ellipsis.

Proper labeling and formatting will assist our editors in reviewing your submission and speed the review process.

How to Send Your Query
You can send your complete submission package within in the body of an email or as an attachment. If sending as an attachment, we prefer that the file be saved as a PDF, Microsoft Word document (DOC) or Rich Text Format (RTF).

Please e-mail your submissions to: Submissions Editor at arrow_info@arrowpub.com. Include Query For Submissions Editor in the subject of your email.

Other InformationPromotions: Information on your promotional plans for the book including the URL of your author’s website, Facebook and Twitter pages and details on any other planned promotional efforts. Marketing and promotion are cooperative efforts. We do expect authors to assist in both.

Word Counts: Short novellas should be 19,000 to 24,000 words, novellas should be 25,000 to 55,000 words in length and novels should be 56,000 to 110,000 words. If you book is longer or shorter, you can still query us.

Non-Fiction Books and Romance Graphic Novels
We are currently not accepting any new non-fiction books or graphic novel scripts.

Sell on MyRomanceStory.com
Are your a self-published, indie author or publisher who would like to sell their completed e-books on MyRomanceStory.com, then see our Sell on MyRomanceStory section for more information. This program is for book edited and formatted to professional standards with covers, book descriptions, ISBNs, etc.

PLEASE NOTE: We do not publish or sell books promoting pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia, rape as titillation or similar subjects. We also do not publish or sell books promoting any type of violence against groups or individuals or threats to public safety.

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